Web videos are in fashion.
There are many reasons why web video marketing is now essential for any online business to become involved with. To find a video on a website is no longer the exception: in the past eighteen months it has become the rule.
Web Video Is Now Mainstream
We all know such video hosting sites as YouTube, Vimeo and Hulu have made watching video part of everyone’s life. We watch everything from a baby biting his brother’s finger to a cat playing the piano. We catch up on TV shows we’ve missed and watch news reports online.
Surveys Prove What We Already Think
Surveys have proved what we instinctively know, that online video is becoming more and more commonplace.
The latest Nielsen rating for September 2011 in theUSshowed 265 million unique video viewers visiting the main video sites and streaming almost 18 billion videos.
Another survey by TV Guide in theUSshowed 15% of those taking part watched six hours or more of online video weekly compared to 4% last year. Sixty-two peer cent said they watched more online video than last year. Similar trends are most likely happening inAustralia, just with smaller numbers.
What This Means For Businesses
This means that if you are not devoting a percentage of your web video marketing budget to the making of videos to sell your business, you are not budgeting wisely. It seems that many Australian businesses are rather slow on the uptake in this area of online video services. Don’t let your business be one of them.
When they visit websites, people expect to see videos front and centre. Some visitors get easily bored scrolling through pages of text, but will happily sit there and be entertained by a well scripted, well shot video. Many people just prefer to get their information visually or aurally rather than spend the time reading.
People are already conditioned to watch online video, as we have seen. They are comfortable with the medium, and expect to get their entertainment and information in this format.
When you make videos for your online business, you can rest assured that people will watch. They are already getting accustomed to online video through short viral clips and TV programs viewed online, so watching your business video will not seem strange to them. Well made videos will increase your marketing success and give you great return on investment. You really cannot afford to ignore this development.
Looking for a way to do web video marketing like an expert? Click this. You can also contact us for assistance on making an online video marketing campaign today.